Nature of defect
A cracked leaking weld had appeared on a 2” drain line and valve assembly due to vibration in the line. The support brackets had also given way to the stress vibration. The client required a live leak arrest system to be applied with a composite overwrap, incorporating the supports to add some strength.
Metalyte Pipeworks solution was to apply their Titan 505 leak sealing system with a 12 layer over wrap of their bespoke wet up field applied system. This would seal the leak and add strength to reduce the vibrations allowing the client to get through to their planned shutdown.
Repair method
The area surrounding the leak was prepared to allow the Titan 505 system to be applied. This was then injected to seal the leak. The full repair area was then prepared using a rough boy rotating tool. The pipe surface then had a resin bond coat applied prior to the application of the composite. The line was then wrapped in 12 layers of composite and allowed to cure. This was coated in 2 layers of UV and chemical resistant paint.