The vessel/column has historically suffered from breakdown of the internal lining.
Column Repairs

The vessel/column has historically suffered from breakdown of the internal lining.
Area to be fitted with support clamp required strengthening.
Initially the 24” Caisson had suffered a through wall leaking defect at the top location just under the bottom deck
Deck plate surface beneath the crane headache ball ‘parking’ box was suffering from corrosion, resulting in localised corrosion and through wall leaks.
Mud drainage lines & drain gullies located underneath the lower deck of the storage, pump, & electrical packages were inspected after signs of leaking was evident.
The 24” line was found to be suffering from severe ‘full circumferential’ external corrosion.
The landing area on the skid deck experienced deformation due to continued excessive loading. The steel plates which make up the skid deck had become dished.