The landing area on the skid deck experienced deformation due to continued excessive loading. The steel plates which make up the skid deck had become dished.

The Problem
The skid deck landing area has experienced deformation due to continued excessive loading. The steel plates which make up the skid deck have become corroded and dished and required levelling off using a bespoke high compressive epoxy resin based screed.
The Solution
Metalyte Pipeworks levelled off the dished plates with a 3 part fast curing epoxy resin, then applied their unique flexible elastomeric cold cure repair system. This system will protect and stop any water ingress preventing further corrosion of the steel plated skid deck.
Repair Method
The skid deck was cleared of any loose corrosion material and swept clean. Compressive epoxy resin was then mixed and applied over the full repair area, levelled and allowed to fully cure and harden.
The Steel Clad flexible elastomeric was then laid down over the top, with two base coats & one top coat to give a 15 year design life. Steel plate was laid down on top of this for the container landing areas, having a bond coat applied to the underside.
Metalyte Pipeworks technicians also left top coat material for the FM team to repair any future damage or perforations.