Nature of Defect
The cooling water line was previously repaired using welded patches during a shut down. Whilst being brought back on line, 5 further leaks at various points along the line were noted. With the client unable to shut down, Metalyte Pipeworks were asked to complete the repairs live. Metalyte Pipeworks completed all leaks live using the Titan 505 leak arrest system along with their Dragon composite patch repair system.
Metalyte Pipeworks solution was to arrest the leaks using the Titan 505 live leak composite system, then apply 12 layers of their bespoke two part epoxy composite over the Titan system and landing on to the pipe gaining the required landing area. This would halt any further external corrosion issues and build the strength back in to the line for full operational requirements.
Repair Method
The full repair area was prepped using pneumatic rotating tools to gain a surface profile to SSP.SP11 with a surface roughness of 55 microns. The leak location was encapsulated in Titan 505 and injected to seal the leak. The pipe surface then had a resin bond coat applied over the full repair area prior to the application of the composite. The line was then wrapped in 12 layers of composite and allowed to cure. Two coats of UV/chemical protection was then applied over the composite.