Nature of Defect
The 1.5” offtake had developed a number of pin hole leaks from the weld on to the main body of the 20” line below. Metalyte Pipeworks solution was to use their bespoke leak arrest method to seal the leak, then a fibre reinforced engineered composite overwrap was applied to contain and secure the offtake onto the main 20” line.
Metalyte Pipeworks solution was to arrest the leak using the Titan 505 live leak composite system, then apply 6 layers of their bespoke two part epoxy composite over a Kevlar reinforced bonding resin. This will contain the leak and reduce vibration issues by building extra strength back in to the offtake.
Repair Method
Due to the pipe material being Cunife, the repair area was hand prepped to ensure any surface contaminants were removed and the pipe surface was rough for the resins to bond to. The leak location was encapsulated in Titan 505 and injected to seal the leak. The pipe surface then had a resin bond coat applied over the full repair area prior to the application of the composite. The line was then wrapped in 6 layers of composite and allowed to cure. Two coats of UV/chemical protection was then applied over the composite.