Nature of defect
The 10” Benzene line had suffered from severe CUI. This resulted in several large corroded areas resulting in multiple through wall defects. To add to the complexity, the access was tight due to its location within a culvert. The client required a composite repair to seal all leak locations and to bring the line back up to its full design specification.
Metalyte Pipeworks solution was to install high chemical resistant external cold bonded plugs to seal the through wall defects. Once cured and sealed, Metalyte Pipeworks Technicians applied their high chemical resistant engineered composite over wrap.
Repair method
The pipe surface was cleared of all loose material allowing the area around the defects to be hand prepared. The chemical resistant plugs were installed and allowed to cure. A gas test confirmed a full seal of all defects which allowed Metalyte Pipeworks technicians to mechanically prepare the full repair area.
The pipe surface then had a resin bond coat applied prior to the application of the chemical resistant composite. The line was wrapped in 12 layers of composite and allowed to cure. The repair was then coated in 2 layers of UV protective paint.